Thursday, November 16, 2006

Homeward Bound

One last post before we take to the air.

We said our teary good-byes at New Life Home this morning. Knowing how well the babies are loved and cared for there made it a little easier.

We will leave for the airport as soon as we finish supper as we are required to check in 3 hours prior to departure. Our flight is scheduled to leave Nairobi at 11:20pm (Kenyan time)--that's 4:30pm in New Brunswick. Saying good-bye to our Mayfield family will not be easy either. They have taken very good care of us.

We leave Kenya with so many memories and thoughts going through our minds and thanking God for the way He has provided for our needs and abundantly blessed us, even showing us a beautiful African rainbow last night.

See you soon.

Donna, Greta and Muriel


At Thursday, November 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Mom, Greta & Muriel,

Can't wait to see you all on Friday night.

Love & lots and lots of prayers,

Garry, Deb, Melanie & Nicholas

At Thursday, November 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We'll be tracking your progress towards home. See you tomorrow night!!!
Love, Barb & Freddy

At Thursday, November 16, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

heyy Grammie,Muriel& Greta,
Can't wait to see you guys!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!!

Melanie Evans
P.S.- Did i mention i LOVE YOU GUYS...or girls! Hope you had an awesome, amazing, fun time!!!

At Saturday, November 18, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't wait to talk to you Greta. Have a safe trip home. I want to see all those pictures.
Talk to you soon.

Love and prayers



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