Saturday, October 14, 2006


FLIGHT SCHEDULE Departure time / Flying Time
Oct.23 from MONCTON to MONTREAL 6:10 PM / 1 hr 28 min
Oct.23 from MONTREAL to LONDON 9:35 PM / 6 hr 30 min
Arrival time in LONDON 9:05 AM
(that's 5:05 AM in New Brunswick)
Oct.24 from LONDON to NAIROBI 10:15 AM / 8 hr 35 min
Arrival time in Nairobi 8:50 PM (that's 2:50 PM in NB)

Nov.16 from NAIROBI to LONDON 11:20 PM / 8 hr 45 min
Nov.17 from LONDON to MONTREAL 3: 30 PM / 7 hr 15 min
Nov.17 from MONTREAL to MONCTON 8:35 PM / 1 hr 22 min
Arrival time in Moncton 11:00 PM


At Monday, October 23, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Girls

I just logged onto this for the first time at 10:39 pm and realized that you should be on the run way in Montreal and it brought me to tears. Praying for you now.

Cheryl Pazia


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