Sunday, October 29, 2006

More excitement...more emotion !!!

Another exciting day! A missionary friend here in Nairobi picked us up and took us to their church service where her husband was preaching today. The order of service was similar to home, in fact some of the songs were ones we know. It was amazing to worship with these wonderful Kenyan people and share communion with them.

This afternoon was a rather emotional and enlightening experience which is difficult to put into words. We were driven into an area of extreme poverty, at least by Canadian standards. The garbage strewn streets were filled with thousands of people milling about. We were told "this is not a slum but a ghetto", so there are areas much worse, but we were certainly impacted by the conditions these people live in--unimaginable without seeing with our own eyes.

Some of you may recall prayer requests several years ago for a new Christian in Nairobi. This man had a severe leg injury. It was feared it would lead to an amputation. As we sat in a small "restaurant" a man came in who is a friend of our host. He joined us at our table and we were amazed to learn he was the man. Although quite lame, he walks and praises God for the miracle of his healing. He repeatedly thanked us for our prayers.

Tomorrow we start at NLH and are looking forward to cuddling babies and tending to their care.
Keep on remembering us in your prayers. Blessings.


At Sunday, October 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Girls...
Have been following your e-mails and blogs. It seem like we are there with you (and we are in spirit).
Anxious to see a pic of Greta with elephant or did that pic get missed!!
It was great to hear about Abi. He is certainly a miracle.
Our prayers are with you tomorrow as you go to New Life.
Looking forward to hearing your updates.
Love & Prayers
Bill & Joey

At Sunday, October 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are also enjoying all the updates we have been getting ( and passing around)!!!
You will all be interested to know that the Kenny's were at the Apohaqui church this am.
It is now 1 am where you are & we trust that you are having a real good sleep as you prepare to to begin at NLH.
Keep safe.
Love,Barb & Freddy

At Sunday, October 29, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Muriel, Donna and Greta - we had visitors at our church today, Aaron and Erica Kenny, who showed us pictures of Nairobi and area. It was good to hear his message and afterwards, I was able to speak with Aaron and tell him of 'my friends' who were there. So good to have him say he knows you all - small world, isn't it?

Following your adventures with much anticipation.

God Bless, Gillian

At Monday, October 30, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Along with many others we are watching with interest what is going on with you three. Today you would have started at New Life. I'm sure you are in for a lot more excitement. We pray for God's blesing on your work and trust in him for your safety. Love, Gordon & Pearl

At Tuesday, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Girls - I was reading the updates of your adventures and I almost feel like I am there with you. I would like to be at NHL with you and all those babies. Trust you are all being relly blessed by this experience and pray God will bless all of you. Safe Home - Ellen B.

At Tuesday, October 31, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Girls,
It is great to follow your activities even though you are so far away.i am glad you are having a great time and Iknow God is blessing you and will continue to bless you as you share His love with those you come in contact.So happy you got to keep Charlotte for
the name.We will be wanting to follow her glad u met Abi
God bless,we pray for you daily

At Wednesday, November 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Muriel, Donna, and especially Greta!
It sounds like you are on the trip of a lifetime. I've been keeping Mom updated with printouts of your blog. She has been following your adventures very enthusiastically.

You are in our thoughts and prayers. What you are doing may seem like a drop in the bucket with the many needs around you, but you are planting seeds. It will be exciting to see how God grows them and how big those "mustard trees" might get.

Give the babies big hugs from us. God bless!

Love, Kathy (Greta's cousin)


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