Sunday, September 10, 2006

For those who don't know all 3 of us, here we are--Greta, Muriel & Donna. This photo was an original part of the blog set-up but has mysteriously dissappeared so here we are again.


At Tuesday, September 19, 2006, Blogger four_kennys said...

HI Donna!

This is Aaron & Erica Kenny writing. We are so excited for you and the girls. We are counting down the days till your big adventure. We know that God has awesome things in store for you as you serve these wee little ones. You will be His hands and loving arms.

God Bless
Aaron & Erica Kenny

At Sunday, October 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

May God richly bless you and those with whom you come in contact as you follow His leading to Kenya.


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