Saturday, November 04, 2006

More Adventures in Kenya

We continue to marvel at the wonderful people that God has brought into our lives here at Mayfield. Last week, one of them was the man who helped us organize our outings to feed the giraffes and to watch the feeding of elephants. This week we met a lady here whose husband is a pilot and they will be serving with Samaritan's Purse. She is staying here by herself while he is back in the states trying to tie up loose ends there. Anyway, she offered to be our driver/tour guide today. So...we headed off first of all to the Yaya Centre (a mall) in Nairobi, then to the Nakumatt ( similar to a Walmart). Both of these were not unlike shopping experiences at home.

The real African experience came at noontime when we ate at the "Carnivore" restaurant. Yes indeed! our lunch started with a large flask of tangerine juice, followed by a delicious bowl of leek & potato soup. Next arrived the two-tiered lazy susan tray placed in the centre of our table with sauces for each of the meats we could try. The meats included chicken & chicken livers, pork, lamb, camel, ostrich, beef and turkey. We all agreed that the spicy ostrich meatballs were really good and that the camel was rather tough but we ate it!!! After eating ostrich, we drove outside Nairobi to the Masai Ostrich Farm. We understood we could ride an ostrich there...just imagine that!!! However, it was not to be. Unfortunately, the ostrich were not available for rides due to
a special event scheduled there today. Guess we'll have to saddle up another time!

On our return to Nairobi, we saw several gazelle and watched one of them speed across the road
head of us. We also saw some cattle on the road (that walked past our car) and a variety of East African birds.

Once again, we are thankful for all the beautiful things we have seen but don't be deceived by our descriptions of the beauty because there are sharp contrasts as we see housing that is inadequate and people in need.

Asante sana for your prayers!!!


At Saturday, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of lunch sounded good - don't know if I could handle the chicken livers, camel or ostrich!!! If you do get to ride an ostrich I sure hope you get lots of pictures!! (also hope you don't fall off!)
Interesting that someone associated with Samaritan's Purse is at Mayfield. As it happens I'm finishing packing my shoebox tonight!!
Hope you all keep healthy & safe.
God Bless, Barb

At Saturday, November 04, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want good camel ask Paul about the rooftop restaurant in Eastleigh. Authentic Somali food! And those meats at the Carnivore restaurant are quite tame compared to what they used to be allowed to serve their - you name it they served it. I love your adventerous spirit. Blessings to all,
Love, Andrew, Kelly & Lauren xoxo

At Sunday, November 05, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It sounds like you gals are packing your days and nights with adventure as well as many blessings. Donna, when I close my eyes, I can see you cuddling those babies. I'm sure you will leave part of your heart in Kenya. Greta and Muriel I can imagine you too are getting attached to those toddlers and vice versa.
We are praying that you will all stay healthy and safe.
Ruth & Gerald (longtime friends)

At Monday, November 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, does this mean we will have ostrich for Christmas dinner instead of turkey? Better find a recipe for Rachel!!!! They are calling for about 2cm of "snow" today, but then it is to go up to the double digits by the end of the week. We can't wait for you to get back home and tell us about your adventures and memories. We all pray for you everyday!
Love, Deb, Garry, Melanie & Nicholas xoxoxo


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