Monday, November 06, 2006

Another Wonderful Day!

Just a brief note tonight as it is past "Missionary Bedtime" (9PM) ... so "Silence Please". We actually have been getting to bed at about 10 PM and up between 6:00 & 7:00 AM. Even so that means it's just afternoon for you when we turn in for the night and you're going to bed when we get up. We've adjusted to the time change here though.
Today was another busy ...and wonderful day... at NLH with our little ones. We actually were there from 8:30 - 12:30 and from 2:00 - 5:00 today...that's a lot of feeding and cuddling and loving. But the real wonder is the staff at NLH who carry on day after day after day caring for these precious little ones. Please include them in your prayers, too.
Yesterday we attended Nairobi Baptist Church - a very modern church, situated right next door to Mayfield Guesthouse. It was a wonderful service...great singing and a fantastic drama presentation about "giving" which tied in with the sermon. The church has three services every Sunday. And tonight the roadside by the church and its parking lot were packed with cars parked for the Monday evening Bible study for men only. Wow!!!
Well, it really is bedtime now!!! TTFN... Love & Prayers.


At Monday, November 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Donna
Was talking to Debbie yesterday at church. I sure enjoy reading your emails to Andrew and the blog.
Sounds like you are having a great time. Hope I get to see the pictures.
love Jane Weiler

At Monday, November 06, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello!! you get rain and we get snow...i will put some away for you so that you will have something to look forward to when you come home...oh wait, you do have something to look forward to...seeing ME!!!! (and everyone else of course!!) hahaha!! I talked with Gordon Horseman in church yesterday and he was wondering if you (mom...and probably Greta and Muriel too)...would speak about your, i'm not sure if that is just for him or for the church...not sure...but i told him that you (mom) would LOVE to speak infront of the whole church congregation...all 500 some that i have your attention...did i scare you??!!!!!!! hahaha. have a great day tomorrow!
love Rachel

At Wednesday, November 08, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Mom, guess what?!?!!? you remember my pink watch that i lost between here and halifax?? well, turns out it was at the bottom of my book bag!!!!!!!!! i was soo excited! i thought i would share this before i go to bed!! love ya! love Rachel

At Thursday, November 09, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is so nice to get updates from Muriel and read the blog too. Paul and I pray for you all every day. It is such a wonderful thing that you are doing and how God is blessing you and the children and people whose lives you are touching. May you continue to be blessed.
Barbara Martin

At Saturday, November 11, 2006, Blogger Marianne said...

HI Muriel,glad things are going well,I am excited to see all your picture,glad you got to see some animals up close,arent the giraffe's pretty

At Saturday, November 11, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! It is so great to here the news of the good work being done by all at NLH. It sounds like you are indeed enjoying your new country. My friends and I are remembering you in our prayers.I cannnot wait to hear the stories and see the pictures. Miss you Greta!


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