Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Rainy Nairobi

November was ushered in with rain here in Nairobi and boy, does that make a mess of the streets! However, we rejoice with the Kenyan people as they have been waiting for rain for a long time.

We have completed 3 "shifts" at New Life Home and the kids are an absolute delight. We have decided to shorten our days a bit, though, as we nearly exhausted ourselves on day one.

The baby who arrived the day we were there last week is doing well. Today she was moved from ICU to the nursery so Donna gets to dote on her as that's become her niche. We had the thrill of naming her. (We're avoiding revealing any of the children's names on this website). Greta and Muriel will likely stick mainly with the "crawlers" and toddlers but we're free to choose which area we go to and can move from place to place.

Your interest and prayers are a great encouragement. We really enjoy reading your comments when we check the blog. Stay tuned.


At Wednesday, November 01, 2006, Blogger Marianne said...

Glad to hear your doing well.I love reading the updates.

At Wednesday, November 01, 2006, Blogger four_kennys said...

Hey girls!
We are enjoying your updates. Thank you for including us in these sacred moments! You are in our prayers!

Love Aaron & Erica

At Wednesday, November 01, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It is exciting to read about your days. The girls at work have been checking out the blog too.

Wish we could see you and what you are doing. Take lots of pictures.

Cheryl P

At Thursday, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lots of folks are asking how "the girls" are doing in Kenya. Your blog site is being passed around & I know lots are checking in here. Keep the info coming!!! It is so interesting. Hope you all have enough film & memory cards to last till the 16th!!!!!
Keep safe & God bless.

At Thursday, November 02, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to hear everything is going well. I'm just here watching television and decided to check into what's happening on that side of the world today. Can't wait to see some pics of all the excitement! Love ya


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