Monday, November 20, 2006

Home Here - Hearts There!

Yes, we arrived safely home in Canada landing in Moncton at about 11PM Friday night to a welcoming committee of family & friends. We were weary from travel but still giddy about all that had happened and about all that we have to share from our experiences in Kenya. God is faithful and so good to have blessed us`with His timing for events and with the people that He brought into our lives throughout this journey. Not least of those people were all of you who upheld us with your prayers, so once again we say "Asante sana!!"
Of course, saying our goodbyes was difficult but we will treasure the memories of our precious babies, the caregivers at New Life Home, the staff at our guesthouse(where we were more like family than guests), those other guests who touched our lives and our own missionaries from Canada serving in Kenya. Through this experience, we have become more connected to Kenya so we find ourselves looking at our watches, adding on seven hours and recalling what activities of the day would be happening there...part of our hearts remain attached to Kenya.


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